The Calusa Herpetological Society

Of Southwest Florida


2001 Christmas Party

    This year the party was held at the Buckingham Community Center.

    The master chefs brought out the best of BB-Q with their fine BBQ'd pork and Burgers. 
    Dave, Steve and Matt were brave enough to man the grill and sample their cooking to see if it was fit to be served!

   The Potluck plates were outstanding there was even a nice assortment of cheesecake!

    Below are some pictures from the party.  
     More to come after being developed.

     Please click on them to see the larger picture.

Fun Stuff

Jim Keenan's Bull Snake                      Mmmm... Food

Ray Naylor and his Retic
                 Bunny Ears!


Please notice the 
gift from the Snake
being deposited!

  The Judging....



Snake Bickering!
But Mine has a name!

 The Judges Deliberate...

He was scaly, smooth and surprisingly dry... Hmmm...

Some of the winners....

Sydney Curtis     Dylan Curtis
3rd Place Lizard   3rd Place Amphibian
Leopard Gecko    Pair of D. Tinctoris

Dylan Curtis  Matt Salmon
3rd Place Turtle    2nd Place Lizard
Hermann's Tortoise     Pr. Homo. Gecko

Marne                       Virginia Burford
2nd Place Amphibian    2nd Place Turtle
      White's Tree frog       Albino Red Ear Slider

Sydney Curtis     Jim Keenan
1st Place Amphibian   1st Place snake
Fire Salamander         Bull Snake

Steve Masek    Sydney Curtis
1st Place Lizard    1st Place Turtle
Red Tegu           Redfoot

Best Of Show!!

Nathan MacInnes
Little Cayman Island Iguana

Look at all these ribbons!

We Rule!!!

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